IEC knows new beginnings can be stressful. That is why we made setting up your new service as easy as possible. Our four-step process includes application, engineering, right-of-way and construction phases. The process was made with the safety of you, your family and structure our highest priority.
Welcome to the co-op family!
Click to download new service specifications

Application Phase - Approximately 1 week
The application phase requires the following:
- Membership application submitted. Bylaws of Indian Electric Cooperative, Inc. require the person(s) requesting electric service to be a member of the Cooperative.
- Payment of the $15 membership fee.
- The member will be required to place, on deposit, an amount equal to an estimated two (2) months average electric usage, to be calculated using comparable load data. For residential members only: A good payment history with IEC or a credit check showing acceptable credit may be accepted in lieu of a deposit.
- Provide IEC with the applicable county permit number to conduct the electrical work. Tulsa County requires an electrical permit prior to construction of any new electric service within Tulsa County. Your electrician can obtain a permit from Tulsa County for the proposed installation. All work is contingent on member providing IEC with the permit number.
Standard delays in this process normally are caused by pending payments.
Any questions in this phase can be addressed by our Member Services Department at 918-295-9500.
Engineering Phase - Approximately 2 weeks
The engineering phase requires the following:
- In most cases, IEC's Staking Department will need to meet on location and discuss the route of the new electric line on the property. This will require meeting with someone who can make final decisions on how the power line is designed and the location of the meter. There will be a $100 trip charge for any return trips the Staking Technician has to make for changes in design after the initial field meeting.
- The Staking Technician will help you develop a site design agreement.
- The Staking Technician will inform you of all required easements, permits and construction costs pertaining to the service installation. The sooner all documents are returned to the engineering department, the sooner the work order will be released to the construction crews.
- Power line construction requires a 50-foot wide (25' on either side of the power line) right-of-way, cleared ground to sky. This means no trees within 25 feet of the line and overhanging limbs will be trimmed. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- You need to provide right of way easements for construction and for future maintenance of lines for IEC to provide the requested electric service. All right-of-way acquisition will be the responsibility of the member, including executed and notarized easements. Our Engineering Department can assist in the preparation of these documents.
- Please inform the Staking Technician of any special requests to consider.
- Pay any construction costs over allowable extensions. All work is contingent upon payment of construction costs.
- Security lights can be installed upon a member's request. Lights are not metered but are billed on a set rate. There is no installation cost for lights installed on a pole that has proper voltage available to power the light. Installation of additional poles, transformers or wire solely for security lights can be installed at the member's expense.
All costs will be determined using IEC's Terms and Conditions of Service, Standard Extension Policy and will be calculated by the Staking Technician during the engineering design phase.
Standard delays in this process normally are caused by easement requirements.
Any questions in this phase can be addressed by our Engineering Department. Call Member Services to be connected 918-295-9500.
Right-of-Way Clearing Phase - Approximately 4 weeks
Right-of-way clearing will start scheduling the job once the Engineering Department has obtained all previous requirements from you.
Standard delays in this process normally are caused by inclement weather.
Any questions in this phase can be addressed by our Operations Department. Call Member Services to be connected 918-295-9500.
Construction Phase - Approximately 4 weeks
Construction of the new service will be scheduled once the right-of-way clearing has been completed. During this process, OKIE One Call will be notified prior to any excavation procedure. This process requires 48 hours notice prior to any work beginning.
Completion of this process will leave you with an unenergized service that your electrician is to connect remaining parts. This is the point in time when billing for the service begins.
Once the connections are made, energization of the service will be scheduled through our Operations Department.
Standard delays in this process normally are caused by inclement weather.
Any questions in this phase can be addressed by our Operations Department. Call Member Services to be connected 918-295-9500.
See meter loop diagrams for reference:
200 Amp and Below Single Phase Service Combination Disconnect
200 Amp and Below Single Phase Service, Member Installed Disconnect
200 Amp and Below Single Phase Service, Combo Meter and Breaker, Top Connect
400 Amp-600 Amp Single Phase Overhead Service
600 Amp-1000 Amp Single Phase Overhead Installation
320 Amp Single Phase Service