One thing hasn’t changed in the last eight decades, and that is how the Indian Electric Cooperative employees, directors and members all work together to make energy distribution, conservation and innovation a priority for rural communities.
Incorporated on August 1, 1939, Indian Electric Cooperative, Inc. is a member-owned, not-for-profit distribution cooperative that supplies electric service to its members in seven north-central and northeastern Oklahoma counties including Pawnee, Osage, Creek, Payne, Noble, Kay and Tulsa.
IEC now provides almost 14,000 members with service to 20,080 homes and businesses through 3,516 miles of distribution line covering a service territory of 2,500 square miles.
IEC employs 79 people and has headquarters in Cleveland and a district office in Fairfax. IEC is governed by a board of directors from each of its seven districts. Each directors serves a three-year term. All cooperative members have equal voting rights and the opportunity to vote at IEC’s district and annual meetings.
The YouTube video "The Electric Cooperative Story" features a fast-action, hand-drawn guide to the history, structure and purpose of rural electric cooperatives. By clicking here, you also can read the more in-depth history of IEC and the early residents who dreamed of a rural cooperative to power the area to progress.
IEC continues to dedicate time, energy and resources to accomplishing its mission – to enhance the quality of life of member-owners by promoting a positive economic, political, social and regulatory environment.
Counties served in Oklahoma
IEC supplies electric service to members in seven north-central counties including Pawnee, Osage, Creek, Payne, Noble, Kay and Tulsa.
Miles of line
Rain, wind, sleet or snow. We spend all day, every day ensuring every mile is up and running as expected.
Homes and businesses served
We service all members equally and strive to keep the lights on 24/7/365. Report your outage through our SmartHub app or call 800-482-2750.
$5.1 million
Capital Credits
How much IEC returned to members in capital credits last year (2021).
Learn more about Capital Credits by clicking here.