Q. What is the base charge on my bill?
- This is a flat fee to recover some of the cost to deliver electricity to our members. The monthly charge is for the infrastructure (poles, wires, transformers, equipment, etc.) required to provide you with electric service. It also supports fleet, facility and customer service functions such as line maintenance, right of way clearing and general administrative responsibilities. This cost is similar to those incurred by customers of public utilities. This is a standard fee and does not change with the amount of electricity you use.
Q. How do IEC's rates compare with other utilities?
- IEC's rates are very competitive with other utility companies in the area. One significant difference between IEC and investor-owned utilities (like PSO) is that the other utilities average between 35 and 55 customers per mile of line. IEC averages four members per mile. The costs for line construction and system maintenance are the same, but we have fewer consumers per mile to pay for the line, customer service support, materials and equipment.
Q. When does a new service begin billing?
- Completion of the construction leaves you an energizeable service your electrician will connect to your service. This is the point in time when the billing for the service begins, regardless of your electric system's connection to ours or not. Once the connections are made, energization of the service can be scheduled by calling our Operations Department at 918-295-9519.
Q. Can I email you to have work done other than call?
- It is always best to call the office at 918-295-9500 when you need work completed from an outage to transferring service. We must verify the identity of the individual making the request along with any additional information. Phone calls expedite your request.
Q. When will my deposit be refunded?
- Residential members can receive a refund of their deposit after two years of no late payments. Commercial accounts are not eligible for refund of deposit until the service is disconnected.