All cooperative members have equal voting rights and have the opportunity to vote at IEC’s district and annual meetings. Seven directors are elected by members to represent their districts (map shown below) on IEC’s board at district meetings. Each director serves a three-year term. The board meets the fourth Tuesday of each month.
While the director represents the members of his/her district, he/she is to serve the interest of all members. Once elected, it is the duty of each director to preserve and protect the assets of the cooperative, set policy, approve budgets, choose the General Manager, and to actively participate in the various required meetings. They direct the functions of the General Manager, the cooperative attorney, and the auditors. All other employees and contractors are the responsibility of the General Manager.
To learn more about duties of directors and the process for elections, see the IEC bylaws.
Email the board of directors at: board@iecok.com
Current Directors
District 1 Director
Berry Keeler
District 2 Director
Jim Hadlock
OAEC Board Member
District 3 Director
Lee Peckenpaugh
District 4 Director
Greg Ward
District 5 Director
Ralph Jerome
Asst. Secretary
KAMO Board Member
District 6 Director
Mike Spradling
District 7 Director